Download and install latest miui rom on xiaomi mi 4i (ferrari) here you can find all the latest versions of mi4i miui official roms. we’ve also included short guides on how to flash recovery and fastboot roms.. Kabar gembira buat para pengguna xiaomi mi4i nih. setelah beberapa waktu yang lalu, xiaomi merilis kernel source, kini muncullah custom rom pertama buat xiaomi mi4i, yaitu cyanogenmod.. Download best android 7 nougat custom roms for xiaomi mi 4i download lineage os 14.1 for xiaomi mi4i this is the most solid and most used android 7.x rom for xiaomi mi4i..
(full+install) custom rom xiaomi mi4i cyanogenmod 13
Kali ini saya akan share custom rom terbaru untuk xiaomi mi4i. namanya adalah cyanogenmod 13 berbasis android paling anyar, yaitu android 6.0 marshmallow. sebenarnya rom ini udah gak baru lagi sih, saya udah nyoba beberapa hari ini, dan baru sempet share kali ini, mumpung lagi liburan.. All custom roms for xiaomi mi 4i. rate this post . as we know that now available with upgraded version of android 6.0 marshmallow os for xiaomi mi 4i smartphone. there are so many problems are coming with custom roms and why it was happened when your are choosing wrong path of rom. here we understand the all xiaomi users requirement and coming. Xiaomi miui official forum
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