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Download Rom Xiaomi Redmi Note 4x Fastboot

[guide] flash redmi note 4x fastboot mode for newbies first what you’ll need to know is that if you want to flash redmi note 4x device in fastboot mode, then you’ll need to copy files you want to flash on your device into the same folder with fastboot.exe .. Xiaomi redmi note 4x flash file (fastboot rom) march 14, 2018. download xiaomi redmi note 4x miui9 flash file 1- connect phone through usb cable to pc and unplug battery. 2- short test point and connect battery. 3- under device manger, port of qualcomm hs usb qloader 9008 port will appear.. Pilih versi rom miui xiaomi redmi note 4x yang sesuai untuk ponsel dan kebutuhan sobat dari link yang tercantum di bawah, dan download file paket rom tersebut. download miui fastboot rom semua versi di sini atau di sini.

Update Xiaomi Redmi Note 4/4x to MIUI Global ...

Update xiaomi redmi note 4/4x to miui global

Yes, the redmi note 4/4x is among those xiaomi smartphones to get miui 10 update. you can also check the complete list of xiaomi phones eligible to get miui 10 update.. xiaomi redmi note 4 was announced in india in january 2017 starting at rs. 9,999.. Miui untuk redmi note 4 / 4x (rom fastboot) - download cara update redmi note 4 ke miui 9 untuk memperbarui redmi note 4 ke miui 9 melalui fastboot atau recovery rom, ikuti tutorial tentang cara menginstal miui 9 di ponsel xiaomi .. Jika muncul qualcomm hs-usb qdloader 9008 (comxx), berarti kita sudah siap untuk melakukan flash redmi pada redmi note 4x snapdragon mu. jalankan miflash kemudian tekan browse. dan carilah folder hasil extract rom fastboot tadi..

download rom xiaomi redmi note 4x fastboot

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